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Traveling with Pets in the Car in Minnesota

Here's what you need to know...
  • Pet owners should consider their pet’s safety when traveling
  • Pets should never ride in the front seat of a vehicle
  • Pet owners should prepare a travel kit before leaving on their road trip
  • Auto insurance may cover injuries that a pet may sustain in an accident

Sixty-five percent of dog owners admit to engaging in dangerous activities while traveling with their pets. Most pet owners don’t consider safety when traveling with their animals.

To ensure the safety of themselves, their pets, and other drivers on the road it is pivotal for pet owners to plan the safety measures they will employ. Looking away from the road for two seconds can double the chances of being involved in an accident.

People may love their pets, but only 16 percent of pet owners admit to utilizing a restraint while traveling with their pets.

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How to Prepare A Pet For Traveling

Preparing a pet for traveling is extremely important. If a pet owner has never traveled with their animal, it is important for owners to take them for a short, trial car ride. This allows pet owners to evaluate how their animal will react to being confined to a vehicle over a period of time.

Pet owners should give their pets time to stretch their legs outside before a long car ride. This allows the animal to do their business. Taking a pet for a walk also gives them an opportunity to burn off some energy.

Safety Tips


One of the most important things that pet owners can do is purchase a crash tested safety harness, crate, or carrier. These safety devices protect pets in the same way that seat belts protect humans. In the event of an accident, pet owners can rest assured that their pet is safely secured.

These devices also ensure that pets don’t distract drivers. Pets should never ride in the front passenger seat, or in the laps of their owners. Pets can also inadvertently slide into the floorboard, obstructing drivers from the brake or gas pedals. The safest place for pets to travel is in the back seat of the vehicle.

Weather is also a concern for many pet owners. Pets with storm anxiety are hard to manage in the best conditions. Being confined to a vehicle with a scared or anxious animal isn’t a pleasant experience.

Pet owners can cover their pets’ crates with a light blanket or sheet to help minimize anxiety caused by storms. Some veterinarians recommend tranquilizing or sedating pets in the event of a storm, but pet owners should always consult their vets before sedating their animals.

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Vet Check Up

Pet owners should always take their animals to their veterinarian before a road trip. A check-up could uncover an illness that the owner didn’t notice. A veterinarian can also determine if an animal’s health is adequate for travel.

Some illnesses may prevent animals from safely traveling. Animals, like people, can also get motion sickness. Pet owners should not force an already sick animal to travel for long distances.

Pet owners should also express their concerns about traveling with their pet to their veterinarian. The veterinarian may be able to offer viable solutions for problems that pet owners foresee. Many veterinarians can also offer advice regarding problems that they often see in pets who have been traveling.

They can also prescribe medication that your pet may need during your road trip.

Pet Essentials While Traveling

Creating a pet travel kit ahead of time allows pet owners the peace of mind that comes from knowing they have everything they need.

One thing all pet owners should consider including in their pet-friendly travel kit is their pet’s favorite toy, blanket or stuffed animal.

These items typically relieve anxiety and give pets a sense of normalcy.

Water is another essential that most pet owners forget. It is important to keep your pet hydrated while traveling. In addition to water and food, pet owner’s shouldn’t forget to pack their pet’s food and water bowls. These will be essential items during later pit stops.

Treats are another item that pets might appreciate. Rewarding a pet’s good vehicle etiquette is one way to teach them how to behave during road trips. Many pet owners also pack their pet’s bed. Both animals secured in harnesses and crates or carriers appreciate being able to ride comfortably while traveling.

Planning Ahead


Planning a route ahead of time allows pet owners the ability to choose their stops along the way. It is essential that pet owners make frequent stops and allow their animals the opportunity to stretch their legs and do their business.

By planning a route pet owners can analyze where and how frequently they plan to stop. Many rest areas now include dog parks, which are safe areas to allow Fido to run and play. Many areas also supply doggy bags, so that pet owners can clean up after their animals.

Pet owners may also want to check hotels along their route that are pet-friendly. Most hotels will now allow animals to stay in a hotel room, but many require the owner to pay a non-refundable deposit.

Planning ahead doesn’t just mean your route. In Minnesota, planning ahead also means taking into account weather. Here are several ways you can protect your pet in cold weather.

  • Monitor the weather conditions
  • Don’t over exert your pet
  • Provide exercise during stops
  • Insulate pet with clothing in extreme cold
  • Don’t make stops where your pet will need to stay in the car

Even if it doesn’t feel hot to you, a car even with the windows down can function like a sauna and could cause health issues for your pet. You must take the proper precautions even in moderately warm weather.

Auto Insurance Laws and Requirements in Minnesota

The state of Minnesota requires that all drivers carry the state minimum liability limits. This coverage pays out for bodily injury and property damage that an insured party may cause another driver, but does this coverage also cover your animals?

If an individual only carries liability insurance coverage, their pets will not be covered if they are at fault for an accident. If another party is at fault in the accident, then the other party’s insurance should cover medical expenses due to pet injuries. This would be covered under the property damage portion of the party’s insurance policy.

Drivers who carry comprehensive and collision coverage may have coverage for injuries to their pets when the driver is at fault.

All drivers should consult their insurance policies and contact their insurance companies to inquire about what kind of coverage is included for their pets. Most companies only extend coverage to cats and dogs. Less common pets are not typically covered under any insurance policy offered on the market at this time.

Shopping Around for Auto Insurance in Minnesota


It may be worth looking into the coverages that various insurance companies offer for pets. It may be necessary to call insurance companies to ask if their quotes include coverage for pets.

Most companies don’t include this information in their online quotes. Consumers can always request an example of the type of policy that the company uses. This allows them to read the fine print and evaluate whether the policy will afford the coverage needed for their pets.

Whether pet owners are planning a one-time trip or plan to travel with their pets long term, it is important that they keep the safety of their pets at the forefront. Pets are safest when they are secured and isolated from the driver of a vehicle while traveling.

It may be tempting to allow pets to allow a pet to distract a driver during travel, but it is pivotal to the safety of both pet and owner that proper safety precautions be followed.

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