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Transportation Alternatives in Minnesota

Here's what you need to know...
  • Residents can walk, bike, take public transportation, or sign up with a rideshare service
  • There are financial, health, and environmental benefits to alternative transportation
  • You should always plan alternatives for travel in case of emergency

People throughout Minnesota are turning to alternative transportation options like public buses, ridesharing, and even taxi services.

There are definite benefits to letting someone else do the driving, and the potential savings is only the tip of the iceberg. Even if you have your own car that you enjoy driving on the weekends, you can still take advantage of these other options to keep your miles down and your car in top shape.

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Why should people even consider alternative forms of transportation?


Savvy commuters know that taking the bus is cheaper. You can grab a ticket, let someone else deal with the congestion, and net yourself attractive savings on gas, parking meters, tolls, and maintenance. It’s also better for the environment and even your health. Here’s how taking alternate forms of transformation can change your life:

Here’s how taking alternate forms of transformation can change your life:

– Health

When you drive, you walk out to your garage and park as close to the office as possible. When you’re taking the

When you’re taking the bus or using a rideshare program, you’re forced to walk to the stop. You also won’t end up quite as close to work, so you’ll have to walk at the other end, too. If you have the option of standing while en route, then you can also burn calories while reading the morning paper.

– Savings

You’ll save in several ways, including by lowering your car insurance. Just tell the company that you’re carpooling to work or taking the bus and adjust your annual mileage accordingly.

– Gas

Rather than filling the tank just to get yourself to work, you can split the cost with countless other commuters who are interested in saving money or reducing their carbon footprint.

– Maintenance

Don’t underestimate how normal wear and tear damages your car. When you let someone else put the rubber on the road, you can save on brake jobs, tire replacements, oil changes, and more.

– Avoid Traffic and Stress

One of the greatest benefits may be the ability decompress while on the road. If you’re the one behind the wheel, then you have to stay alert and focus as you drive. As a passenger, you can read your favorite book, surf the Internet on your phone, or even take a short nap.

– Save the Planet

When people ride together, walk, or bike, it reduces the number of cars on the road. Greenhouse gasses are minimized, and that’s great news for the planet.

Alternate Transportation in Minnesota


Minnesota has several different options available, including light rail service in large cities and public buses. If you live close enough to the stores and work, then you can also walk or take your bike.

Rideshare services like Uber are also growing in popularity when people need the services of a taxi at more attractive rates.

There are pros and cons associated with any alternative transportation forms. If you’re walking or biking, then the weather can be a problem. You don’t want to ride to work if it’s raining or snowing. On the other hand, you’ll love the extra exercise

One big complaint with the bus is being limited by the set schedule, and other people have expressed concerns about the lack of privacy. However, you’ll also be able to save a good deal of money and avoid the stress of dealing with traffic on your own.

There are several transportation options in Minnesota that you can take advantage of. Before deciding which option is right for you, check into alternative transportation choices like:

  • Amtrak
  • Jefferson Lines
  • Northfield Lines
  • Northstar commuter rail/bus
  • Skyline Shuttle

These public transportation services will allow you to commute throughout the state of Minnesota and will save you money. If these lines don’t take you where you need to go, or if you’d like to pursue other options, consider biking or walking.

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Bicycling and Walking

Biking or walking may be the simplest alternative form of transportation available.

You don’t require any special passes, and you won’t have to spend time reviewing a bus schedule. You’ll need to be close to your destination because you probably won’t have time to walk or bike 20 miles one way, but it can be the best choice for people who are reasonably close to school, work, or shopping.

– Things to Consider

You can make your commuting decision each day based on what’s going on with the weather and your energy levels. Here’s what you should be aware of before heading out in the morning:

  • Take your daily schedule into account to be sure that you’ll have the time and energy to make the commute both ways
  • Check the weather report and be prepared if they’re calling for precipitation or cool temperatures

– The Benefits of a Bike

You already know about the potential downfalls of biking to work, but you should also know about the positive side of taking your bike or putting your feet to the pavement. You’ll enjoy:

  • Amazing views that you normally don’t see when driving
  • Naturally getting more vitamin D from the sun
  • Keeping your weight down
  • Having less car-related expenses
  • Being on time for work every day because you can go around the traffic
  • Parking right by the office front door

– Technology for Motivation

If you love the idea of biking and walking but lack the motivation, then turn to technology for assistance. With a FitBit or Apple Health app and device, you can track how far you move. Set goals for yourself and try to beat them from day to day.

Ridesharing in Minnesota


With ridesharing, you can call for a ride through a handy app and then be picked up right at your door. It’s very similar to a taxi service, but it costs significantly less. You can easily find the services through your phone’s app store, and then you just have to download the feature.

While these services look great on paper, they’re coming under fire in some circles because the driver’s personal auto policy may not cover the ridesharing activities. There’s also no guarantee that someone will be available or willing to come pick you up on time.

Slugging / Share-A-Ride Etiquette

Another option is the good old-fashioned carpool. In the past, you had to find a co-worker or friend who was going in the same direction as you, but the digital age has changed how carpools are set up.

You can now find people to share rides with by using an easy application.

However, finding someone to ride with is only part of the task. You also want to learn the right etiquette so that you can keep everyone happy on the road.

You’ll all ride together so that you can share the carpool lane, but you also need to split the costs of gas and parking. Coordinate the pickups and drop-offs ahead of time, and make sure that you establish how long drives are expected to wait for tardy riders.

If you decide to take advantage of alternative transportation, then communicate this to your insurance company.

If other people are riding with you, then you’ll need to make some changes to your coverage to ensure that everyone is protected.

If you’re able to leave your car in the garage more often, then you may be able to save on your premiums. Either way, you can shop around to find better plans that will help you save now and in the future.

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